The wastewater treatment system operation logbook is a necessary form for the wastewater treatment station.

  • Helps operators understand daily tasks and avoid errors
  • Create system operation history
  • Easily retrieve and find out the cause of troubleshooting

Below is the form of Wastewater Treatment System Operation Log for your reference. Customers can add and edit to suit their project. If you need support in maintaining and operating the wastewater treatment plant, please contact us Hotline 0932562177

Operation and maintenance categoriesCheckedCurrent StatusExecution timeNote
Before implementationAfter implementationHourDay
1. Collection tank
Clean the trash in the trash comb (if any)
2. Air conditioning tank
Clean the tank (Remove floating trash if any)
3. Perozone oxidation reaction cluster
Mix and check the NaOH chemical concentration
4. Biological tank
Check organic load BOD, COD
Check activated sludge concentration
Check the SVI index
Color and settling speed of sludge
Check DO concentration and pH
5. Sedimentation tank
Check the settling process
6. Disinfection tank
Mix and check Chlorine chemical concentration
7. Post-treated water storage tank
Check pH
Check TSS
1. Air conditioner pump
Check the power source
Clean trash in the pump (if detected)
2. Mixing pump (Perozone cluster)
Check the power source
3. Intermediate pump
Check the power source
4. Slurry pump
Check the power source
Clean trash in the pump (if any)
5. Air blower
Check the power source
6. Ozone machine
Check the power source
7. NaOH chemical pump
Check the power source
Check for blockages, valves and pump suction
8.. Chlorine chemical pump
Check the power source
Check for blockages, valves and pump suction
9. NaOH chemical stirrer
Check the power source
10. Chlorine chemical stirrer
Check the power source
Implementation dateTest day:



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